Thursday 31 March 2011

AP - So what do you do all day then if you're not going into school?
RL - Oh I procrastinate. I procrastinate a lot.
AP - Might it be worth going to see a pyschologist or something?
RL - Only if you see obsessing over Thom Yorke and Radiohead a dangerous diversion to the pointless, apparent neccisities of GCSE examinations.
AP - ...
RL - I'm known to bite in tight situations.
AP - I beg your pardon?
RL - Clearly you haven't listened to Skip Divided...
AP - Well no, no I haven't. What's that?
RL - This is when I leave.
AP - Why are you leaving?
RL - Because Thom Yorke doesn't give a fuck.
AP - But you're not Thom Yorke, Rachel?
RL - No, you're right. I'm Rachel, Thom Yorke's partner.
AP - ...
RL - It's true, we met at Exeter university and have two children named Noah and Agnes.
AP - Now Rachel, have you ever heard of the condition erotomania?
RL - Yes.
AP - It's when someone belie-
RL - I know what it is, you don't need to tell me. And I know you're probably going to attempt to diagnose me with it. Just know this; I choose to believe the things I do because there's nothing else in this boring, fucked up 'reality' to believe in.
AP - OK, OK. Well I was ju-
RL - Nevermind. I have to go now.
AP - Oh but don't, I wo-
RL - No, really, I have to go.
AP - Why? What's the rush?
RL - Thom can't remember where I parked the car.

I woke up and these were the first things I saw

Seriously, Thom? Why do you do this to me?


I'VE MET HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'VE REALLY FUCKING MET HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phew, for a minute there, I lost myself.

I can't wait for the new Kills album. It sounds so good already.

I really need a new record player. My one is sort of fucked. The stylus for a start is on breaking point and the needle is as blunt as David's club. Plus, the sound quality is shocking. But that's what you get I suppose when you go mass market.

Get yourself together.
I love how Thom just goes 'URGHHH' at the beginning of Down Is The New Up.

I still can't believe that there's a Radiohead lyric by the name of 'I'm stuck in the tardis, trapped in hyperspace'. Why the fuck hasn't anyone asked Thom Yorke to play the Doctor? He would be so much better than Matt fucking Smith. There'd be no stupid fez's (just bowler hats) and no fucking about. It would be serious stuff. I mean think about it, the power of his dance would probably send the cybermen into oblivion and his left eye would blast the daleks out of existence once and for all just for the simple fact that it's too sexy for them to deal with. But no, serious stuff.. He wouldn't have the whole charming, charismatic bull shit. He'd just tell them to fuck off and stop polluting planet Earth's skies otherwise he'll pin you to the ground and screech Pop Is Dead at dangerous decibel levels. Thom Yorke doesn't give a fuck. Jonny Greenwood would be his companion and there would be no innuendos whatsoever. We won't stand for that shit.

Thom just asked me for another line. Greedy bastard.

baby alligators x
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Stop whispering, start shouting

Why so greedy and lonely?

I can't answer anything.
Please stop asking me questions.

We are accidents waiting to happen.

I love Jonny's drumming on There There live.

I am a wicked child.

THE FUCKING RAINDROPS THE FUCKING RAINDROPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SIT DOWN, STAND UP: WHY YOU SO GOOD?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????!!!!!!
walk into the jaws of hell anytime
This song should come with a wink ;)
I do love the way that Thom breathlessly exclaims that he can help me out anytime. I appreciate it.
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My fake plastic love

Just cause you feel it, doesn't mean it's there (there's someone on your shoulder)
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I like big glasses of wine

I can't sleep.
I still can't believe I met Thomas Edward Yorke.

Why won't tumblr show the reblog notifications on the dashboard? It's really frustrating me!

Also, I tried to do some work today. I broke down crying and thought about death for an hour or so.

Thom just told me how he made his millions and how it's all just a jigsaw falling into place.

My dad cried when I told him I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for How To Disappear Completely by Radiohead.

It's true. The walls are bending shape, they've got a cheshire cat grinning.

I really want to watch some live Radiohead. So why don't I?

Come on and let it out
Before you run away from me
Thom says 'last' in such an English accent. I mean I know he's English, but most singers tend to go for the in between accent.

"That's a nice way to start, Jonny" I love Thom's opening comment to the album Hail To The Thief, it puts the whole album in such a cheerful, beginning note.

I have to go into school tomorrow to do some music with my teacher who is called Tim and therefore reminds me of Thom because they're both very small and both adopt the Tiny Tim nickname (well Thom in Thom's case)

Pay un attention. 2+2=5.
That's going on my Maths paper in June because I don't know any other maths. Plus (get it?) there's a higher chance of me having a corrupt, Radiohead fan of an examiner than me revising and remembering all these pointless numbers.

It's all boiling over.

No normal conversation
You should of took me out when you had a chance

When the walls bend
When the walls bend

Thom likes bending walls
I like bending walls
I like Thom
It's like algebra (that's what Jack White thinks anyway)

John Simm looks like Thom Yorke. If Radiohead made a movie they should definitely hire John Simm to play Thom Yorke.

David Mitchell
David Mitchell
David Mitchell
Likes toasted eggs with Benedict Cumberbatch.

Dance you fucker dance fucker
Don't you dare don't you dare flan in the face

Stepford wives

Be right back
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Wednesday 30 March 2011


I want to be staring at pictures like this all day and re-running every second of the time I was in his presence. Not doing fucking work or speaking to some fucking stranger or doing anything else that is entirely pointless.
I suppose I can comprimise. I've already decided that as one of my final piece ideas in Art I'm going to create a piece that reflects the change and contiunity of Thom Yorke from 1985 - 2011, all in the style of Stanley Donwood. I was even going to write to him, I'm sure Stan would reply, he's such a lovely chap.
All I can smell is cheese. It's making me feel ill.
Words words words words words words WORDSWORTH!
That just reminds me that I've got an English lit past paper to do for tomorrow. Fuck my life. I'm not doing anything. I'm just going to stare at him forever and put myself in the shoes of Rachel Owen. I don't suffer from erotomania, at all.

Neither do I

Tuesday 29 March 2011

I know I shouldn't bottle things up anymore. But on this occasion I'm willing to bottle up how I feel about meeting Thom for a rainy day, so that next time I think everything in life is/has fallen apart, I will be revelated by these hidden feelings.

Despite this, I really cannot find the will to work. There is absolutely no ambition to do this work or at least try it. I'm sorry everybody. Please now, just back off.
Meeting Thom Yorke is incredibily ambiguous. On the one one hand it is the best thing to happen to anyone ever and I don't think I will ever be able to fully recover from my 'fangirlism'. On the other hand everything else in life seems to be pointless now. I feel that my life's work has been completed. What else needs to be done?
I mean take this morning, I'm suppose to be studying for my exams but it's like, 'whatever Rachel, you've met Thom Yorke'. Or I'm meant to be looking at houses but it's like, 'whatever Rachel, you've met Thom Yorke'.
Life is never going to be the same ever again. Meeting Thom Thom has literally changed my life forever.


Desire company, lack self-esteem and want to prove self.

Feel the disappointment and unhappiness that was present in childhood. cannot understand what is wrong. Irritable and dissatisfied. Friendly and open, yet feel that nothing is right. Restless, dislike routine, need stimulation and have trouble getting up in the morning. React badly to shock and have intense fears, especially of being in a crowd, and dislike going out.

Spend hours frantically sorting things out, but tend not to accomplish much. irritable, nervous, restless, and hard to please. Restless, hopeless, morose, and have a morbid imagination. No matter how ill, deny that anything is wrong and refuse to see a doctor. Prefer to be left alone.

Fit and healthy, strong, energetic mind and body. lively and entertaining. when ill, become violent and obstinate. May hit, bit, or kick. Illness characterised by restless, agitated behaviour, with extreme sensitivity to light, noise, movement, or being touched.

Set high goals. driving ambition leads to workaholism. an excessive sense of duty, always feel as if you haven’t done as well as should. Sensitive to others’ opinions and easily hurt. May become despairing. Can lead to clinical depression and suicide.

Very materialistic. See life as a struggle for financial security. Great fear of poverty even if financially successful. Clean-living, critical, meticulous, reliable. Fear the supernatural, prefer daylight to darkness, have very fixed ideas.

Monday 28 March 2011

I very very very very very very very very very much doubt I will be sleeping tonight.

Today has probably been one of the most surreal, yet perfect days of my life. All I can smell is newspaper and all I can see is a strange looking man in a paperboy cap........

Apart from all of this kerfuffle though, I have to start doing actual work tomorrow! Can you belieber it! Firstly I have to catch up on the work I didn't do today because I was at some record store in East London exchanging words and looks with Thom Yorke which is basically two hours of business studies and an hour on SAM learning. Oh yes. I then have to do double history and an hour of English note taking/revision before my past paper on Wednesday. As well as all of this I have to go into school at 4 o'clock to do some music composition work. I am going to refuse to go into the music room until Sir accepts that Radiohead belong on the Wall of Fame and lets me choose an appropriate picture to represent them. So that's all my work for a day. Apart from this though I have two episodes of Eastenders to watch, a brand spanking new episode of Jersey Shore AND the finale of Silk!

I'm going to go and desperately try to catch up on some Z's, although I really can't see it happening, to be honest. I'll put Sherlock on, he's a quaint distraction.

He belongs in Madame Tussuads

Today I met Thom Yorke

So I got out of bed, got ready and headed up to Brick Lane with papa. I know I am one inclined to paranoia, but I felt it was awfully strange how when we got to Rough Trade at about 11:15 there seemed to be no sign of a queue whatsoever, however as soon as we stood in the middle of the road, within the next minute there was a magically formed queue that snaked round the road.

I was probably about the tenth person awaiting The Universal Sigh and I went into Rough Trade to purchase my TKOL vinyl while papa waited in the queue. People kept dodging past us (as we were awkwardly stood in the middle of the road as I mentioned before) and a couple of men strolled past, in which I managed to catch one of them say "Oh yeah, it's that Radiohead thing, they're turning up apparently" as if it was no big deal. I just turned round to papa and started laughing, all "Yeah, on what fucking planet are they going to show up?"

It was fate that every time I looked at my phone exactly two minutes had passed. It was also fate that whilst everyone else was having some deep conversation about thepossibilty of TKOL part 2, I looked up and exclaimed "OH MY GREENWOODS!!!!!!!!". Naturally everyone stared, thinking that I was due back at the mental home. I just shouted again "OH MY GREENWOODS". Still nothing. "IT'S THOM... IT'S THOM!!!!". Well eventually everyone seemed to get the message that it was Thom Yorke standing there and naturally, like you do in these situations, everyone got their cameras out and started taking pictures. I think I was the only one who was suffering from a fit of "fangirlism" however.

So yeah, basically we all waited and went up to get our paper. Stanley gave me mine, but 'accidently' gave me two, so adding the other one papa got, I now have three papers. Once I got them I went to go and meet/get my picture taken with Thom (he looks EXACTLY like you'd imagine him to, strange thing to say I know, but it's true). He said "Hey" with a little nod that spoke volumes of 'yeah, you love me, aren't I amazing'. I giddily glanced back and then the first (and pretty much only) thing I said to him was "do you have any idea how awkward it is standing here with a picture of you on my top?" he laughed and said "you feel awkward? Imagine how I feel stood here with all these fookin people... blahhhhhh!". We laughed again. We turned to the cameras, I had no idea where I was suppose to look and then after about five seconds we both turned to each other, said goodbye and I skipped off.

I love him so much and I could die tomorrow in the safe knowledge that I am the happiest person that ever lived.

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Saturday 26 March 2011

Rah-nt or Rar-nt?

Um, so I've basically handed my life over to Radiohead and Thom Yorke in a completely un-sacrificial lamb type of way (OK so maybe a little bit).

I don't know why but I'm always angry with myself and obsessed with the idea of killing something. Eye contact with anyone makes me come out in a massive heat rash and the thought process which goes into answering a question has dissolved completely. What I mean by this is that I can't answer anything properly anymore. If someone asks me something, no matter how insignificant it may be, I just start compusively itching my neck and arms and wanting the ground to swallow me up like there's no tomorrow.
I'm not ever going back into school. I don't have to and I don't want to.
Everyone likes to think that I'm 'ill', when in actual fact I'm just 'suffering' from something known as realism.
Alas, there's things no one will ever know about anything, nor do I want them to. I don't seek help, I don't seek sympathy and I don't seek solutions. I just want to runaway, die or stay incognito, away from everything and everyone, with the exception of my dear beloved Radiohead and Sherlock.
I think realistically, the third outcome is most likely.

Today I went to watch Chalet Girl with Becky. It was rather spiffing to be honest. But the highlight of it wasn't actually anything to do with the film, it was in the process leading up to it. By which I mean the purchase of the popcorn experience. Basically, Becky went to pay for the meal deal thing, and the guy gave us a free Yorkie bar (you can see where this is going) because of a special promotion they were doing or something. But anyway, I just so happened to be wearing my new yellow Thom Yorke shirt, and well, I basically burst out crying in amazement pointing to my shirt continuously, exclaiming "Thom (points at shirt) Yorkie (holds up chocolate bar)". I did this repeatedly, jumping up and down a bit in the process.. I'm pretty sure I scared the entire Odeon popcorn purchasing populous. But it was totally worth it because well, it just was.

End of story. I'm going to finish reading the book I'm currently reading.
Oh, how do we feel about the fact that Oxford won the boat race today? I personally saw that one coming, however I did desperately want Cambridge to win.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Before I go, it's once again time for The Daily Thom Yorke Spam

He knows how to shake his moneymaker

This is a classic "FML; I wish I was the microphone" moment...

You got it on your hands?

Peeping eye

Arms folded. You're still lovely in your massive coat.

Weirdest fan picture ever.

The awkward moment when you're trying to impress the audience by wearing goggles and playing an instrument you've never been known to play before and then you fall of your stool.

He's only around an inch taller than I. And this is deceptive because the mic had been set for Ed, who is over 6 foot tall. Which isn't really a fair comparsion really.

Another fuck you, you lucky microphone moment.

There's something up there, Jon.

Some hobo out on the streets with a bottle of water, how casual.


Awkward move is the best move
  • The chunk in my hair that I cut out is really starting to fucking annoy me.
  • Urgh, just finished the email my form tutor sent me. It goes on forever and I didn't understand any of it.... far too wordy...

That's not important though, what's important is that Silk on BBC1 is bloody brilliant. Also, the fact that Tom Hughes lights up the screen every time the camera flashes onto him just adds to the pure amazingness of the show. But seriously, unshallowly, it's amazing. I'd say it's very fast paced and keeps you on your toes, but a really gripping show nonetheless.

I'm going to hop into bed like a rabbit and read my book, which isn't so much like a rabbit...
Farewell x

I've basically just died and gone to heaven


I've listened to The King of Limbs three times today

This is pretty much how you dance to it the entire time (minus Codex and to a point, Give Up The Ghost)

On another note, I think this GIF is from the Prague concert that was bootlegged, but he knows how cool and loved he is.

I'm actually getting quite worried

when 'the lady' asked me "well, what is it you do all day then?" I was far too apprehensive to respond with "er, dig up pictures of Thom Yorke, listen to all 8 Radiohead albums at least twice, paint pictures of Thom, watch Thom dancing either on YouTube or my DVD player or find Thom quotes and Radiohead subliminal messages..."
Even I know that that sounds crazy. Still, it's way better then doing a stupid fucking English paper.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

The daily Thom Yorke spam.

Hello beautiful.

Just ah

This was my face when I was listening to King of Limbs backwards.

It's so true I might call the cops.

I've died and gone to heaven.

I'll say it again; heaven..

Get up and dance bitch.

This was taken just moments before I dragged him into a crowd and we apparated into a love shack McDonalds.

I bet this is actually how shit went down.

My secret (well not so secret now) favourite band..



I'm sorry, but is anyone elses YouTube being ridiculously slow?

I just did a strand test for the actual blonde dye and it's come out pretty well. I think I'll give it a go in a bit.

This is currently what my desktop looks like...
I doubt you need to second guess at what all the different files are...

MO-P came round earlier and played the family 'mediator'. It kind of helped, in the sense that no plates were smashed due to her prescence *makes reference to Like Spinning Plates*. I've been told that I technically don't need to go into school until my exams, which is fabulous news. Basically, the school want me to at least try the reduced timetable just as a benefit to myself and my dealings in social instances, however, I don't actually need to go into school if I don't want to. At this present moment I think I'll be taking up the school on their most generous offer. People have been trying to get me to go back in for the upcoming days, I never quite knew how to tell them to fuck off, I'd rather eat a Lion, apparently my body language spoke clear enough though..

On a lighter stupidly erotic note;
Um well er, yes. I don't quite know what to say...

[Search] Radiohead, page 111

Night night babycakes, sleep tight x

People are strange . 2

See, if more people who allegedly want me to get better gave me cards like this, then I would be better in no time..
I was practically crying with happiness when I was given this in the car today, bless :']

Monday 21 March 2011

50% stage

I'm gonna go over it with some actual blonde dye tomorrow (mainly the roots cos they're really dark in comparision now ha!)

This is what I used for todays adventures though:

I would reccommend this to anyone I know. I used one regular strength box and it got my hair to go quite a few shades lighter (to say the least). It picks up on the lightest pigment in your hair and basically dissolves any other colour. Considering the part of hair that was used for it had had everything from bleach to purple to red to a dark brown on the verge of black I'm really pleased with the result.
The best bit is the fact that unlike most other commercial colour strippers, it doesn't contain any peroxide/bleach/etc.. I don't quite know how it works, but it's left my hair feeling a lot lighter due to the immense amount of colour that it's removed!
Bravo Mr.Cornwall!


The dashboard works fine, but then you search for posts with the tag Thom Yorke and it comes up with this BEAST:

So so so so so, this video is a drug to me and if I don't watch it at least 15.6 times a day (without my body malfunctioning) then I will seize up and die a lonely, 'Lotus Flower love' deprived life... I dyed my hair! It's either a really dark dirty blonde or a really light brown... although I personally would say it is blonde (minus the roots). I'm going to dye it again tomorrow and hopefully achieve a cross between Benedict Cumberbatch and Thom Yorke blonde. I love them both dearly.

Also, I saw Mister Jordan today and he waded in with the timetables and the fact that I have a school photo tomorrow and that I have high expectations etc... I basically replied to all of this with a simple, yet nonetheless to the point, "I don't give a fuck about my exams, Sir.." with a slightly bewildered look across my face and then he simply replied with "OK then, sure, sure!" Dick. He doesn't understand anything. But then none of them do, but then it's OK because Tiddy's on the case and I'm not coming in until I'm 'ready'. Which is basically never.

Sunday 20 March 2011


How long could you survive chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor?

Created by Oatmeal

Um, so

There's this rumour going round that Thom Yorke has split up with his long term partner and is now residing in L.A.
Be right back while I book the next plane out to LAX. I'm being serious.

How can anyone say no?

In other news, it looks like I'm moving into a house with a lamp post which is adjoining/adjacent/overlooking? my bedroom window. Exiting. I still want to move into a picture postcard village like Nayland though.

Phew, for a minute there, I lost myself..

Thom Yorke is an inch and a quarter taller than I.