Monday 21 March 2011


The dashboard works fine, but then you search for posts with the tag Thom Yorke and it comes up with this BEAST:

So so so so so, this video is a drug to me and if I don't watch it at least 15.6 times a day (without my body malfunctioning) then I will seize up and die a lonely, 'Lotus Flower love' deprived life... I dyed my hair! It's either a really dark dirty blonde or a really light brown... although I personally would say it is blonde (minus the roots). I'm going to dye it again tomorrow and hopefully achieve a cross between Benedict Cumberbatch and Thom Yorke blonde. I love them both dearly.

Also, I saw Mister Jordan today and he waded in with the timetables and the fact that I have a school photo tomorrow and that I have high expectations etc... I basically replied to all of this with a simple, yet nonetheless to the point, "I don't give a fuck about my exams, Sir.." with a slightly bewildered look across my face and then he simply replied with "OK then, sure, sure!" Dick. He doesn't understand anything. But then none of them do, but then it's OK because Tiddy's on the case and I'm not coming in until I'm 'ready'. Which is basically never.

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