Thursday 31 March 2011


I'VE MET HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'VE REALLY FUCKING MET HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phew, for a minute there, I lost myself.

I can't wait for the new Kills album. It sounds so good already.

I really need a new record player. My one is sort of fucked. The stylus for a start is on breaking point and the needle is as blunt as David's club. Plus, the sound quality is shocking. But that's what you get I suppose when you go mass market.

Get yourself together.
I love how Thom just goes 'URGHHH' at the beginning of Down Is The New Up.

I still can't believe that there's a Radiohead lyric by the name of 'I'm stuck in the tardis, trapped in hyperspace'. Why the fuck hasn't anyone asked Thom Yorke to play the Doctor? He would be so much better than Matt fucking Smith. There'd be no stupid fez's (just bowler hats) and no fucking about. It would be serious stuff. I mean think about it, the power of his dance would probably send the cybermen into oblivion and his left eye would blast the daleks out of existence once and for all just for the simple fact that it's too sexy for them to deal with. But no, serious stuff.. He wouldn't have the whole charming, charismatic bull shit. He'd just tell them to fuck off and stop polluting planet Earth's skies otherwise he'll pin you to the ground and screech Pop Is Dead at dangerous decibel levels. Thom Yorke doesn't give a fuck. Jonny Greenwood would be his companion and there would be no innuendos whatsoever. We won't stand for that shit.

Thom just asked me for another line. Greedy bastard.

baby alligators x
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