Monday 28 March 2011

I very very very very very very very very very much doubt I will be sleeping tonight.

Today has probably been one of the most surreal, yet perfect days of my life. All I can smell is newspaper and all I can see is a strange looking man in a paperboy cap........

Apart from all of this kerfuffle though, I have to start doing actual work tomorrow! Can you belieber it! Firstly I have to catch up on the work I didn't do today because I was at some record store in East London exchanging words and looks with Thom Yorke which is basically two hours of business studies and an hour on SAM learning. Oh yes. I then have to do double history and an hour of English note taking/revision before my past paper on Wednesday. As well as all of this I have to go into school at 4 o'clock to do some music composition work. I am going to refuse to go into the music room until Sir accepts that Radiohead belong on the Wall of Fame and lets me choose an appropriate picture to represent them. So that's all my work for a day. Apart from this though I have two episodes of Eastenders to watch, a brand spanking new episode of Jersey Shore AND the finale of Silk!

I'm going to go and desperately try to catch up on some Z's, although I really can't see it happening, to be honest. I'll put Sherlock on, he's a quaint distraction.

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