Tuesday 22 March 2011

I'm sorry, but is anyone elses YouTube being ridiculously slow?

I just did a strand test for the actual blonde dye and it's come out pretty well. I think I'll give it a go in a bit.

This is currently what my desktop looks like...
I doubt you need to second guess at what all the different files are...

MO-P came round earlier and played the family 'mediator'. It kind of helped, in the sense that no plates were smashed due to her prescence *makes reference to Like Spinning Plates*. I've been told that I technically don't need to go into school until my exams, which is fabulous news. Basically, the school want me to at least try the reduced timetable just as a benefit to myself and my dealings in social instances, however, I don't actually need to go into school if I don't want to. At this present moment I think I'll be taking up the school on their most generous offer. People have been trying to get me to go back in for the upcoming days, I never quite knew how to tell them to fuck off, I'd rather eat a Lion, apparently my body language spoke clear enough though..

On a lighter stupidly erotic note;
Um well er, yes. I don't quite know what to say...

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