Monday 28 March 2011

Today I met Thom Yorke

So I got out of bed, got ready and headed up to Brick Lane with papa. I know I am one inclined to paranoia, but I felt it was awfully strange how when we got to Rough Trade at about 11:15 there seemed to be no sign of a queue whatsoever, however as soon as we stood in the middle of the road, within the next minute there was a magically formed queue that snaked round the road.

I was probably about the tenth person awaiting The Universal Sigh and I went into Rough Trade to purchase my TKOL vinyl while papa waited in the queue. People kept dodging past us (as we were awkwardly stood in the middle of the road as I mentioned before) and a couple of men strolled past, in which I managed to catch one of them say "Oh yeah, it's that Radiohead thing, they're turning up apparently" as if it was no big deal. I just turned round to papa and started laughing, all "Yeah, on what fucking planet are they going to show up?"

It was fate that every time I looked at my phone exactly two minutes had passed. It was also fate that whilst everyone else was having some deep conversation about thepossibilty of TKOL part 2, I looked up and exclaimed "OH MY GREENWOODS!!!!!!!!". Naturally everyone stared, thinking that I was due back at the mental home. I just shouted again "OH MY GREENWOODS". Still nothing. "IT'S THOM... IT'S THOM!!!!". Well eventually everyone seemed to get the message that it was Thom Yorke standing there and naturally, like you do in these situations, everyone got their cameras out and started taking pictures. I think I was the only one who was suffering from a fit of "fangirlism" however.

So yeah, basically we all waited and went up to get our paper. Stanley gave me mine, but 'accidently' gave me two, so adding the other one papa got, I now have three papers. Once I got them I went to go and meet/get my picture taken with Thom (he looks EXACTLY like you'd imagine him to, strange thing to say I know, but it's true). He said "Hey" with a little nod that spoke volumes of 'yeah, you love me, aren't I amazing'. I giddily glanced back and then the first (and pretty much only) thing I said to him was "do you have any idea how awkward it is standing here with a picture of you on my top?" he laughed and said "you feel awkward? Imagine how I feel stood here with all these fookin people... blahhhhhh!". We laughed again. We turned to the cameras, I had no idea where I was suppose to look and then after about five seconds we both turned to each other, said goodbye and I skipped off.

I love him so much and I could die tomorrow in the safe knowledge that I am the happiest person that ever lived.

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