Saturday 26 March 2011

Rah-nt or Rar-nt?

Um, so I've basically handed my life over to Radiohead and Thom Yorke in a completely un-sacrificial lamb type of way (OK so maybe a little bit).

I don't know why but I'm always angry with myself and obsessed with the idea of killing something. Eye contact with anyone makes me come out in a massive heat rash and the thought process which goes into answering a question has dissolved completely. What I mean by this is that I can't answer anything properly anymore. If someone asks me something, no matter how insignificant it may be, I just start compusively itching my neck and arms and wanting the ground to swallow me up like there's no tomorrow.
I'm not ever going back into school. I don't have to and I don't want to.
Everyone likes to think that I'm 'ill', when in actual fact I'm just 'suffering' from something known as realism.
Alas, there's things no one will ever know about anything, nor do I want them to. I don't seek help, I don't seek sympathy and I don't seek solutions. I just want to runaway, die or stay incognito, away from everything and everyone, with the exception of my dear beloved Radiohead and Sherlock.
I think realistically, the third outcome is most likely.

Today I went to watch Chalet Girl with Becky. It was rather spiffing to be honest. But the highlight of it wasn't actually anything to do with the film, it was in the process leading up to it. By which I mean the purchase of the popcorn experience. Basically, Becky went to pay for the meal deal thing, and the guy gave us a free Yorkie bar (you can see where this is going) because of a special promotion they were doing or something. But anyway, I just so happened to be wearing my new yellow Thom Yorke shirt, and well, I basically burst out crying in amazement pointing to my shirt continuously, exclaiming "Thom (points at shirt) Yorkie (holds up chocolate bar)". I did this repeatedly, jumping up and down a bit in the process.. I'm pretty sure I scared the entire Odeon popcorn purchasing populous. But it was totally worth it because well, it just was.

End of story. I'm going to finish reading the book I'm currently reading.
Oh, how do we feel about the fact that Oxford won the boat race today? I personally saw that one coming, however I did desperately want Cambridge to win.

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