Tuesday 5 April 2011

Slowly we unfurl

So today I went into school and finished my compositions off, which basically means that my coursework for music is done and all that's left now is revision! Yay. I also finished AO2 of Unit 4 in business studies (at last).
I'm only endeavoring in work which I feel is vitally important between now and the 13th of May. So that basically means only doing work which I'm being expected to hand in on Friday and finishing of my sketchbook for my Art exam. Apart from that though I would say that the majority of school stuff is just revision, which can be savoured until the night before the exam...

My love for Thom Yorke reached epic proportions tonight, it was like I had an epiphany or something. Basically, tonight on Radio 1 Zane Lowe played thirty minutes worth of Radiohead's Glastonbury set back in 2003. Me and certain other individuals on the blogging world went crazy and that's when it happened. That was the moment I realised I was actually truly infatuated with this man. But er no, in terms of the music, it sounded even better on the radio. I mean I have the DVD of the performance and have it saved as a file on my computer for whenever I see fit to watch it. But for some reason when I heard it tonight, it sounded absolutely friggin' magnificient (well more so than usual).

Apart from the mass spamming of peoples dashboards and short spell of listening to Radio 1, I have been texting my equally RH/TY obsessed friend all night. She's lovely and we will start a band together one day and be the this generations Thonny.

Now I'm going to watch an episode of Sherlock downstairs with father and log off of this thing before I have Thom Yorke printed lenses in my eyes, if that makes sense?

Peace and love

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