Wednesday 6 April 2011

I don't like dark chocolate, never have, never will.

I could stare at this forever, in fact I am staring at this forever..

Tomorrow, well technically today, I've got my first singing lesson in about a month! I think I'm just polishing my songs and reworking parts of them for the Easter hols. My singing teacher has been informed of my 'situation' and still hopes that I can make it into the recording studio in the Easter holidays. I really want to go back into the recording studio, except this time it'll be in a bigger, better studio in Colchester, opposed to the one I went to last time in Mersea. Me, Alison and Richard have all agreed that the job Mark did with the recording wasn't as good as it could of been to say the least... I can't really explain why, it just doesn't sound right. It makes it so much harder to admit is well because the guy was so lovely and helpful.

(During the day) tomorrow I'm going to really try and apply myself to do some artwork. I am so aware and concerned about the fact that I have an exam in about three weeks time and I still have over half a sketchbook to complete, not to mention the preparation that'll go into the final piece...

Enough of all that though, I feel I spend half of my time these days just worrying about exams and sketchbooks, it's so ridiculously sad.
You probably don't need to guess at what the other half of my time is spent thinking about..

This is currently my desktop. LOOK AT THAT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: ONLY 40 ODD PICTURES OF THOM/RADIOHEAD ON MY DESKTOP because I transferred the other 834 into a folder. Amazing.

Anyways, I'm off to watch Life on Mars and marvel upon the many wonders of Sam Tyler for a few hours so g'night.


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