Thursday 21 April 2011

no one understands how good my dream was last night..

i remember some fat bloke coming to look at our house and i convinced him to buy it because our garden was beautifully landscaped and had a posh fountain in the centre of it. and then i remember thOm driving a car to some arena type place and me and him just being nothing less than awkward the entire time. then i remember going on the waltzers with him at clacton and he started screaming like a little girl with his head band on. then i remember going on stage to perform one of my songs (50 sheets) with jonny just milling across the stage tuning his radio and then as i looked over thOm was playing his guitar overlooking the side of the stage and started singing with me.. he told me stop and he started playing my song on his own and made it sound infintely better. then i woke from complete amazement. partly because i couldn't believe i was singing with thOm yorke and partly because i really wanted to remember what thOm had done to make my song sound so much better...

i spent the most part of today jamming with the lovely georgia. i think so far our best bet was a cover of 'you' and hopefully '15 step' at some point. twas exciting stuff though.

i'm so full on chinese food. the thought of chinese food makes me feel incredibly sick actually.

hold your horses rachel, you're not a wino.

gossip girl is back from its break then i see! i do love gossip girl. um, what else? ah yes, there is an easter egg sat next to me. i am quite tempted to eat it.

but hey look, it's me. if it actually freakin' loads. see if you can guess which famous serial killer it's based on? apart from that though know that this is the first song i wrote back when i was 14 and i recorded it yesterday. that is all.

1 comment:

  1. Guessing Sweeney Todd? Is Sweeney Todd real? Will google that as I'm not very knowledgeable in the whole serial killers fandango.
    Also this is super. Perhaps the wrong adjective, but, you catch my drift. maybe. please apply this comment to your other post with recordings embedded. I don't want to messy up your blog:)
