Saturday 23 April 2011

this has been a personal post

because obviously dad, the answer to resolving an arguement lies at the bottom of a bottle of wine? gah, i just don't know what to say or do anymore. i think i'll invite him on a drive though before he gets to drunk. that's it, i'll put on a rush of blood to the head by coldplay and i'll apologise a million times for being so useless and having seriously high levels of procrastination and that i swear i will finish that sketch book by my exam on tuesday.

just like the neat daughter that i am.

oh but no, being nice backfires. help me out coldplay? you always seem to know what to say in these situations. i can't consult my good friend radiohead because they hit a nerve, a nerve that need not be hit.

but it's like whenever he starts talking it's like verbal diarrhea, the words just keep coming out. he'll storm around the house and then just come back for round two. i just want to run away from him forever and never look back. but that can never happen and it will never happen.

please go away now please. you're making me feel ill.

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