Monday 4 April 2011

A bump on the head

This time last week I would of been still hyperventilating after I met Thomas.
Sigh. I love this man so much.

Now I'm off to buy the new Kills album, from what snippets I heard last week, it sounds pretty good to me. Put it this way - you can definitely tell that Alison has spent quite a bit of time with Jack White. That most probably made no sense whatsoever.

Urgh, what else is happening? Well, I gave my word to the teacher that I would stick to the timetable they gave me and do the work set. However, day 1 is almost over and I've done none of it. I don't see the fucking point.

Also, this came in the post a couple of days ago:
It's so beautiful :3

Earlier, I did something I haven't done in ages. I played the guitar and had a wee jam. It was quite satisfying but meh, I still don't feel capable of achieving the music I want to on my own. I need to be in a band! Watch this space..

Now I'm listening to Arcade Fire. I must say, after a few listens, their latest album - The Suburbs, is actually pretty good. Better than I thought it was orginally anyway.

My dad has pissed me off unsurprisingly. I want to watch an unlimited amount of Life on Mars and just imagine what it would be like if John Simm played Thom Yorke in a movie. I love John Simm. I don't love Doctor Who though, at least not past David Tennant's finale episodes.

Bored bored bored.

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