Monday 4 April 2011

I missed the most important thing:

I watched Meeting People Is Easy earlier. It's so indescribable but I'm going to attempt to describe it nonetheless...

Well, where do we begin? The whole film has a melancholy feel to it from start to finish. It's not necessarily upsetting, more numbing. Just to see the extent of how critical, exhausting and demanding being a Radiohead member is. I feel sympathy and sorrow for all of them throughout, it's probably not what they want to hear, but it really is disconcerting to watch them go through such a tiresome journey.

This is really interesting to watch. It also makes me want to give Thom a hug more than ever.

The main point about it which I would pick up is how contemporary it is. Anyone who appreciates anything remotely artistic and different would probably be at the very least intrigued by the film. I myself couldn't pledge to watch it everyday and jump for joy at the thought of it, but I think that's sort of the point. I don't reckon the film was made at all to please fans or represent a camaraderie within the band. I think it's there to just highlight the truth about it all, and not only the physical, but severe mental exhaustion that being in a band entails.

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