Monday 11 April 2011

things to consider

  • i spent money in town for the first time in forever
i got this really pretty shirt from topshop which cost me £20. i haven't spent money in ages, so £20 for a top seemed like a lot of money at the time lol.
there's also a matching dinosaur one that i'm pondering whether to get or not.
obviously everything i buy/say/do has to relate to radiohead somehow, so i was exceedingly happy to find that a magpie* was one of the featured birds on my shirt.
i also bought £32.50 worth of candles which again, felt like a lot of money at the time, but now i am very pleased that i got them as my room smells glorious.
  • i'm going back into the recording studio next week
i haven't played those songs though since i was last in the recording studio, which was over a month ago now; this could cause some unforseeable dillemas me thinks. alison said that when she went into back into the recording studio to mix my orginal recordings, she literally just started crying and turned around to say 'that doesn't sound like rachel'. she also said that deep down she really didn't want to have to give me back those recordings because of how poor the quality of the recording is (nothing to do with my actual voice and guitar, she assures me). i definitely agree with her and i'm glad to know that richard is moving out all of his gear from the studio as a protest against mark. sorry mark, you're lovely but as alison said you made me sound like i'd been shut in a dust bin with a scarf over my face. the guy at pioneer can mix down the voice ridiculously quickly apparently, and knows everything about everything too. plus, he's also a really nice guy, so i've heard.
  • the piano showroom was like heaven and omg i want my new piano NOW
i went to this really really really lovely piano showroom in suffolk the other day. it was truly magnificient. after much delibiration i finally decided that on the piano that i want. it's a very compact korean number which has amazing feedback and a great crispness to it. it was between that one and a really sentimental looking german one. however the german one was far too classical for my liking, so i went for what felt best when i was having a little tinker on the keys. it's being delivered on thursday and i cannot wait, hopefully then, as thom says, all can become normal again.

*magpie: morning mr magpie, the second track on the king of limbs

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