Monday 11 April 2011

i dyed my sister's hair last night and this morning

i highlighted it with this garnier stuff, it's worked quite well apart from the fact that i have bleached her shirt and unfortunately left a couple of patches of super blondness on her hair.

i think she likes it mostly, it's just there's this blatant blond streak right on the fore front of her hair line, which is quite distracting.

it's sort of like a blond sweeney todd:

it's a glorious day today, and i wish there was somewhere easily accessible for me to spend it. however there's not, when you live where i do there's not really anything spectacularly naturalistic to splendour upon. my options are either the infested castle park or the concrete jungle of town. nice one. this is why i want to move away into the country.

speaking of which, i saw the first house i can actually imagine living in the other day. it's in fingringhoe and is a similar size to ours. it definitely needs some work done to it but it has an ideal conservatory/work room for all of my instruments and art stuff. externally it probably isn't the most attractive looking house, it looks like something in white city if i'm honest. the main focal point of interest for me was the garden's gate. there's this adorable little gateway which leads on to an immense amount of public footpaths and fields, you can walk all the way down to the creek, which is amazing. i can definitely picture us living there and so far it's probably the best bet i've seen so far, however this is all completely hypothetical until we've actually found a buyer for our house.

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