Tuesday 15 March 2011

Skip Divided is such a sexy song

This isn't from Skip Divided though. This is from The National Anthem when they perform it live. Jonny uses an old video recording as a loop. What a babe.

I've got to go and talk to my business studies teacher about Radiohead soon. I kind of get why but at the same time I kind of don't, as I conveniently copy and pasted Unit 4 onto a USB the very last lesson before I stopped going into school. Irony, yes?
I believe that afterwards I'm going to see some houses with Father. I desperately want to move out into the country, I've been a townie my whole life yet whenever I'm in the country (for whatever peculiar reason that may be) I feel most at home. Make sense, no?


To tell you the truth, I don't even know why I'm off school at the moment, or acting as I am.
I get like this when I'm on my own and not around anybody, particularly my dad. As soon as I'm put back into a 'real life' scenario though, my dreadful uncomfortableness resumes.
I think now, I would only be content if I lived in the countryside with a big dog, I just happened to bump into Thom, I never had to go back to school or question college ever again and finish my very large canvas to a high quality.
Unfortunately, I have a bed of work to do. No, literally. I've sprawled out all of the work I should be doing across my bed. There's not a great deal to do. It's mainly the art which I know will be most time consuming and frustrating. God I cannot wait until GCSE's are over.
The main problem I have with art is that I love the prospect of decorating my feature wall with badly painted canvases, however the idea of doing something for an art 'GCSE' really puts me of. Gah, isn't it all a bit awkward?

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