Friday 18 March 2011

I really do love ginger Thom

One day I'll get to you

  • No one understands how much love I have for them. Let me put it this way. If it wasn't for RH, I really don't know what I would be doing right now. As they are quite literally the only thing that can gain any focus from me (apart from Sherlock Holmes of course, but that's just obvious).
  • So today, suspicions where confirmed that affect the household quite deeply. Also, we're thinking of raising some money during the whole process of moving house. So the idea of moving out to the country has been ruled out.
  • I'm not severely disabled or hospitalised; I want to go out and party and not feel couped up in my bedroom like a battery fucking chicken.
  • Not even wild horses would get me into school. I hate the fucking place. I want to move to Wiltshire as soon as I can.
  • I love Thom's breathing on 'A Wolf At The Door'
  • Help me call a doctor. I can't do anything anymore apart from Radiohead Radiohead Radiohead
  • In one of those, fuck everyone/fuck everything moods.
  • Wait. That is just me.
  • Go die, no one needs you, Rachel.

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