Thursday 17 March 2011

Did I fall or was I pushed?

I love going on the NME website at the moment because it's absolutely littered with Thom Yorke. Well, to be fair, I don't really read the articles on NME because I get my dose a good few hours before the folks at NME hear about it.

Stills from Harrowdown Hill video. This part leaves me feeling very shivery indeed as Thom drowns. Oh and he's ginger.

If ever in doubt about whether going to university is actually feasible, this article will most definitely put you off the scent for a degree forever.
Just looking at the numbers was enough for me.

There's quite a mix of characters on Question Time tonight. I haven't watched it in quite a few weeks actually. Admittidly out of ignorance because I'm useless when it comes to understanding international affairs and politics. The woman to watch tonight, for me anyway, will be Caroline Lucas, the only Green Party MP elected for office. I like her, and I like her views on most things. However Kelvin MacKenzie is on there, and he annoys the shit out of me. I suppose I would acuse him of bigotry.

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