Sunday 25 March 2012


People always moan and winge and ponder at those people who can so easily, so effortlessly cease to acquaint with them. Like, you know, those "how can people go from knowing you so well to just ignoring you" sob story but well yes it's mostly childish behaviour but everyone does that. Everyone. Like for instance, I can categorically say that I will never breathe a word, never look at, never share time with that dick head ever again and my conscious will not weigh heavily for it. It is probably unfortunate for others that I can so easily delete them from my mind and wipe out their existence. But I'm being cruel to be kind because I am slightly masochistic and extremely sadistic so it's either a life never knowing you or a life being made into a vicious emotions game whereby I am the judge, jury and executioner. You see? That's why I cut myself off because it's really just the safer option for everyone. Especially when I have had a dream involving your guts being ripped out and intestines used to strangle you in a bath, that would actually be quite funny to witness I must admit.


Work is long. But I don't mind. It's a good kind of tired and I like to think that I'm kind of a good little worker.

Art exam check.
Art history exam Thursday. I know exactly what I need to do I just haven't done it yet whoops, it can be done Wednesday night NO IT CAN'T BECAUSE THE APPRENTICE


I really want to go on holiday
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