Saturday 10 March 2012

No offence, but I really don't give a shit.

Why the hell am I in such a bad mood?
Why why why why?
I bought nice things earlier, I don't have piles of work to do, I only have work tomorrow, two days of college next week are basically cancelled ,,, I just don't get it.
The thought of looking into uni's on tuesday makes things a little more hopeful but apart from that I want to go back to last nights dream where I jumped off a really tall building in the dark and at first got scared but then had fun and woke up once I hit the ground which confirms my belief that there's more than people think to dreams....
I'm tired and I have a headache and I don't think the last two nights of irregular sleeping have done me any good jesus if I don't have a routine for even just one day my whole world collapses it's ridiculous
More so people keep talking about being single and kissing and stuff and it's making me annoyed because sure that stuff sounds great but it isn't, it really isn't... Kissing only makes the task of breathing extremely unpleasant and difficult and not being single means you have to like... Be reliant... Just fuck it all I don't miss it one bit the only thing that would change that is if andrew scott got down on one knee tomorrow and spoke to me in that soft irish accent lovingly yeah that would probably do it but no I don't care about all of that relationship sex stuff urgh I just like attention don't we all
Night try not to die every1
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