Monday 26 March 2012

The first days of spring

And my heart is starting over again

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What do I want to DO though?
Art History?
Yes if I want to do museum/conservation/curating post-graduate study, probably London for the best job opportunity. Courtauld in particular but lol as if I'd get in there.
Yes if I want to be a philanthropist/read philosophy more/become involved in relation, humanitarian based work
English Literature with Creative Writing?
Yes if I want to go into publishing of any sort. Whether it be private personal work or shit maybe even investigative journalism work...
Fashion Merchandising?
Yes if I want to put my eggs in one basket and pursue the career of "fashion buyer". Also the best in terms of self employed business perspective.


I love learning about Art History the mostest and I mean even the essays and exam just afufufufufa I can't get enough of the shit but then again fashion merchandising is more adventorous and ambitious and if it payed off the most beneficial toward later life achievement... And english is a good safe option I think, you can't go wrong with that but URGH I don't know! There's so much I love and like and enjoy and want and need and require and I don't know.

Since the reading of I think it was Mr Bleaney I can't stop ending everything with 'I don't know' haha.

Relevant to now: art exam didn't end in disaster. Art history exam is on the horizon and I'm ready for it, I've got me glasses at the ready. History requires LOTS of revision, I mean I do well on the papers but I won't be happy til I beat my personal best marks which would mean 98+ out of 100 for british and 45+ out of 50 for german asdfghjkl I got 90 out of 100 for my latest british paper which is good but it didn't beat 97 so I didn't particularly care. Plus, I'd prefer to learn from a teacher who doesn't contradict herself every ten fucking seconds sigh it must be the american roots god dammit NO I DID NOT JUST SAY THAT english literature I mean you never revise for that you just waffle for ages and hope for the best and citizenship is a piece of piss I mean really come on

It's only history I feel I super duper need to set lots of time aside to revise over
Next english
Bottom citizenship
And of course the two arts are practically done with

Sigh I'll really miss college

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