Tuesday 19 April 2011

yo yo yo

yep that's right, i'm still awake.

only for the fact that i'm talking to lovely people who in live in places like manhattan and L.A, so you know, time difference and what not...

today was a good day.
i went into school to see my art teacher and it went surprisingly well. she told me i could stick in the pictures of me and thOm and write all about him and stanley donwood. and i get to create my own radiohead newspaper and redesign their artwork, which will be quite an intense task, i have no doubt. i was also given guides to how to build up my 3D model for my final piece which is cool. i know what i need to do now, i just need to actually do it.
i also went into the recording studio again. it was absolutely more intimidating than last time, however the tracks sound infinitely better now. i still have a massive sense of self loathing and lack of confidence in myself, but hey ho, i don't care. i don't care about who hears them on the world wide web either, for the simple fact that i know that nobody can hate how i sound more than i.

i reactivated my facebook account. the only reason for this though is so i can talk to all of my tumblr friends on a more personal level. so far i've had quite a few nice chats with different people, getting to know everyone a bit better. it's quite lovely actually. i also married jonnith.

um but yes yes yes, i'm getting slightly confuzzled now. so nighty night x

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