Sunday 17 April 2011

today someone told me i'm the biggest radiohead fan that they'd ever met, that was quite something to be honest.

and now i'm going to do what i do best; sleep.

fuck you art, bring me your worst tomorrow. i'm really past caring what anyone has to say about the lack of art i have done and the astoundingly poor quality that the tiny parts i have done are presented in. fuck off. thOm took me hostage. now i'm taking him hostage. me and thOm are going to run away together forever and build a tree house where he will sing to me everyday and we will share lovely pots of tea and dance amongst the wildlife and braid each others hair and cuddle all night long.

i haven't really been able to listen to radiohead today, it's hurt too much. so i listened to foals instead, which was quite nice. but then i listened to radiohead later on. i'm a glutten for punishment.

all in all today has been a bit of backwards step. i thought i'd seen the worst of everything and that there had been some progression, but there hasn't been any at all. my life will always be a case of taking one step forward and ten steps back. what is the fucking point. i'm not a hamster, i do not wish to continue running in these neverending circles.

good news though is that yesterday i met the lovely georgia (jonnith). it feels like ageeeeeeeees ago though because we met at like, eight o'clock in the morning. but yes, she's a very nice person, in fact more than nice, wonderful! and i'm so glad that she's coming all the way down to colchester on thurthday so that we can start out thonny band. it's going to be brilliant :)

just a foot note to that though, and my final point of the night, is that i am completely overwhelmed with how lovely people are on tumblr. when i first got one a couple of years ago i found the whole site rather intimidating and hipster. but i think because i'm with the group of people who i talk to now opposed to the indie kids i used to follow before, i just feel so glad to have them there. it sounds outrageously offensive, i know, but i'm not exaggerating in the slightest for when i say that i seriously find them more lovely and kind hearted and understanding etc than anyone i know in 'real life'. i wish we could just all live on a radiohead island one day and stuff.

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