Saturday 23 April 2011

dance you fucker

so's your fucking face

there are so many things that annoy me.
i have just realised.

meh, have a picture of yorke. he makes everything better.

went to mersea today with the family. it was quite awkward at first, but then me and auntie had a nice chat at the end, it would of been nice if it was longer but dad had to get home.
the best thing to come out of today though:
it's a long story but i feel like retelling it anyway:
my cousin (who i should point out is 22 i think) had this down on his christmas list, in fact, i think it was all he asked for, which was ironic because i'd asked for exactly the same thing. the difference is though, my auntie actually bought it for him. well, what happened was john lewis rang up and said they couldn't get it delivered to her house the right side of christmas, so instead she had it sent to his flat after christmas for logical reasons. anyway, john lewis never charged her for it. and not only that, they sent another one to her house this time, again with no charge. so basically she has a spare harry potter hogwarts lego set tucked away in a spare room awaiting my ownership. i am so excited, i love my auntie lots.

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