Wednesday 9 May 2012

Every cloud

I'm getting C's in English and B's in everything else. I thought I was going to be going somewhere really top and get really high grades. Looks like that's not happening anymore.

I said in the preliminary thinking of higher ed options that if I did really really super duper well I'd go to a top uni to do something all writey like English and History or Comparative Literature or something, and if I didn't do all that well I'd let my passion fo fashion flourish and do direction or whatever.

Tbh I don't even wanna go to uni now. I want to do a year of art foundation and take it from there.

I'm getting swept away in the world of government and teaching expectation. But wait... What is it I actually want to do?? I haven't got a fucking clue! And I don't want to be caged in a box committed solely to doing one or two things... Hmm

We shall see
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