Sunday 29 April 2012

Ok so it does


It's been an emotional weekend. For the most unnecessary of reasons also.

On Saturday I was completely and utterly ditched and what's worse is that I then saw that person in town with the people I'd been ditched for. They didn't even bother to tell me they weren't meeting me anymore so there I was expecting a text any minute and boom, I see you there already coffee in hand with a bunch of randomers. Ouch. I guess it just made me angry more than anything and played on my insecurities because I know I don't really have many if any friends so when someone so blatantly ditches me like that it hurts more than it would if I had a solid group of close peoples who I see all the time any way. I mean it's not like I'm completely friendless, I just don't have that core few like I did even last year where we were always together. I think it's school which keeps you together to be honest. But oh well, you won't apologise for your behaviour or try to break the ice. You'll just wait for me to say something first as usual and pick me up and know me when you next feel like it/when your other friends can't see you on that given day. Tut.

Also, the taxing system is ridiculous. I'm not even taxed for my wages yet because I'm not 18 and yet I still have to participate in the tax year and have £60 worth of wages gone down the drain because of the way the tax year overlaps. I'll only see them this time next year if I'm lucky or for definite when I leave employment with the employer. Unbloodybelievable.. I DON'T EVEN PAY TAX

Harry Potter, bed, tea and candles. I'm winning now though.

Earlier today my dad told me that A. has said I can stay at her holiday home with a few friends in the summer. I really hope we get something going cos it'd be sooooooo cooooool to get away with some trustworthy, reliable darls and get some fresh sea air.
Literally cannot wait for the summer in general though. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh asdlds bdibsjiosajui.

Oh great now I'm sad because this year we won't be jetting off to Florida. Fucking hell greedy bitch.

Anyways. Nice early night and hopefully sensible start with a nice run. Poetry mock tomorrow sigh, and History paper back lol.
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