Tuesday 7 February 2012

Yawn, I yawned

Americans pronounce John as Jawn. It doesn't make sense. Americans and wider yet, america doesn't make sense. I'm growing quite weary of my distaste towards the other side of the atlantic, this unhealthy nationalism will be the death of me... Speaking of which; the Queen is a Whovian! And you all wonder why we still have a monarchy! Sigh, I do love Queenie, but now I adore her after hearing of this Doctor Who lark (she once ordered a box set to be sent to her whilst on holiday) asdfghjkl

I can't listen to Sorrow without crying and do you know why... BECAUSE OF PERFECTION THAT'S WHY! Benedict was asked in an interview what the song to get him to sing at a karaoke would be and he said 'David Bowie - Sorrow. Every time.' Or something asdfghjkl stop being so good and nice
Generally speaking though, I really love the Bowster I just DO and you can't beat david ok you just can't no matter how hard these others try, you'll just never be david never

When it shuffles from Life On Mars? to The Gene Genie, you know that there are powers of fate at work.... (Reference to LOM)

Maybe I should sleep maybe... But then again I could like watch TTSS or something. No I'll watch it Wednesday when I have the TIME

So glad for it to be half term next week. I'm already becoming impatient towards work because well- it's just cold and I'm still not 100% and I don't think I ever will be and yeah I just don't know about it I mean it's generally speaking rather good and hey, it's money! ( And something, anything, to put on my CV ) plus I really just hate.. No I don't... Hmm... Is it possible to become apathetic towards your own pessimism?

Ok it smells sufficiently enough of candles in here now, goodnight
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