Thursday 19 January 2012

Something about this place..

If someone walked into my room they'd probably see me as one of those "and then they turned the gun on themselves" cases.
I mean I literally have an entire wall dedicated to Sherlock Holmes. There currently is barely an inch of it which isn't covered with some form of print or poster or drawing. And then as you look around my room at every corner there is SOMETHING in relation to him... It'll be there...

Anyway. That's not what I wanted to say but I couldn't help it because anything I seem to want to say or do or think or feel gets hijacked by 'him'.

~today I had my enrolment type thing at work. There was a loaaaad to take in and I know that I'm going to be making mistakes left, right and centre but hey ho, I'll get the hang of it.. Hopefully.. My first ever shift is ironically on my birthday. And then I have a whole day on Saturday and another one during the week after and then it's back to weekends. My dad said that in the first three days of work alone I'm going to earn something like £70! Yippeeeeeee! I would have payed back my inheritance that I spent which I shouldn't have in nooo timmeeee! Anyway. I'm just glad to be learning about it all and working and experiencing and stuff. Jesus the experience is worth everything.

Oh and speaking of which, I've decided what I want to do. I can't be bothered to entertain the idea of university next year because I haven't completely got the drive to do it, plus, with the whole getting a job thing, I want to pursue that... I think... This is solely on the basis that I'm lacking clarity though but yeah, the point is; in keeping with my last post and my obsession, I've decided that as soon as I've left college I'm going to apply for a job at the Sherlock Holmes Museum at 221b Baker Street and work there everyday and who knows, with the money that's saved from uni and earnt through a current job, I could maybe even move on the outskirts of the city too.. Although I'm not banking on that idea, I just want to do role play everyday and get payed to talk about Sherlock Holmes and possibly meet everyone in the show when they film and breathe in that sweet smell of the place and eat at Mrs Hudson's cafe and pretend to be her and lecture everyone in the library about his work and ah. Perfection that would be.

In the more immediate future though, I'm not tired until I wake up anymore and I'm not hungry until, ever. Hmm.

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