Sunday 15 January 2012

Everything in its wrong place (a glow in the dark rabbit)

Don't feel particularly well and regret going out. Out as in during the evening, the afternoon spent bowling was great!

I listened to the new Maccabees album three or four times and then went out. I don't really get why I was there, I just felt like I was there because I had to be there to put in an appearance, you know? To be fair I think it just shows a lot about what it is I should be doing with my time. I mean this morning was great because I woke up and went out for a run, had a lush brekkie and got a potential job related phonecall. Then it was off out for some socialness and birthday celebrations which was fine is well. Then I come home, I hear grave news from my Dad that him and my Auntie are currently on very bad terms and to make things worse my Uncle is in hospital with some sort of infection and it looks like it could go either way.....
So I had a nap, spent some golden time meditating about Sherlock, listened to some more Maccabees and had a nap.
Then I was rudely interrupted.
I HAD HAD HAD to go out. And I don't even know why but I did. And well, I just don't understand anything anymore and I can't be bothered to try to. The entire time I was there all I could think about was Benedict and getting married to him and tomorrows horrific ending and his suits and how he should greet strangers on Sims... And no one really cares and that's fine, that's what tumblr's for, but it's just difficult to contain my obsessiveness 99% of the time and cover it up with sanity. This is why I need to be at college because it provides me with distraction!
"My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work"
Definitely NOT drinking no more
Definitely smoking menthol cigs all day everyday

Sigh. Next weekend I'm (fingers crossed) having Georgia come down to Colchester for some birthday Radiohead celebrations which will be spiffffing!
What else? Hmm. I've forgotten.

So to conclude, I don't understand interdependence or togetherness. I like to be on my own and away from people and niceties (on my terms and nearly all of the time). And this is why if it proves impossible to make Benny happy and marry him and have children with him I'm going to marry myself.


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