Wednesday 20 April 2011

my heart's still pumping

i find it completely monstrous that they have never done a studio recording of this song. it is perfect in every way, and makes me feel completely worthless.

oh, i'm seeing kanye west at the big chill festival in august. i feel ashamed to say that i am really rather excited. i think i'm more nervous than anything though because of the following: thOm yorke did a collaboration with burial & four tet, and on the day before i go burial are playing and on the day after i go four tet are playing. everyone is certain that thOm is going to make an appearance on one of the days, plus with the fact that he played there last year, it seems like a given. i wish i got a full weekend ticket to increase my chances of seeing him now. this being said, there's the very small possibility that he might turn up to all three days, and he'll do a surprise set on the day i'm there, in which case i will lose my space in the field for kanye for a twenty minute thOm set. because he's worth it.

i really do feel like i am due a harry potter marathon. that is why i am going to get a glass of milk and watch harry potter, because sleep is for the dead.

ok, so the next thing i'm going to say feels highly insensitive compared to the last thing i just said. but i would just like to take this moment to think of elisabeth sladen, or sarah jane smith for all of you whovians. an absolutely smashing lass, who always ran with a spring in her step and played host as my favourite doctor companion of all time. our thoughts are with you, and may you rest in peace up in hyper space you beautiful, beautiful lady.

this plaster has just overflowed with blood, it's now seeping all around the edges in pretty patterns. time to go and rebandage i think.


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