Thursday 14 April 2011

if you look up the word perfection in the dictionary, this appears.
i don't think you could get any more perfect.
does that makesense.

kk then.
i should be doing my art but i'm not.
father left me with a bottle of chilian red before he left.
he thinks it'll will motivate me to do my art
fuck that. it will motivate meto spend the night fangirling over thOm evern more.

we argued earlier. not me and thOm. well we did because he accused me of being on drugs but i told him that he is my drug so yeh, i'm on drugs. but no, me and dad argued just before jemily came to see me. um yeah, i was trying to play my new piano (which btw is amazzzing) but he was just flapping about cutting bits of cottong from the tapestry on the stool which was annoying me so i told him to fuck of and he got all defensive and guilt tripped the fac that he'd just spent loads of money on me. so i slammed doors ran upstairs and told him to go fuck off. i regret nothing. i've been meanig to get that off my chest since i saw the counsellor yesrertday.

you do it to yourself you do and that's why it really hurts

i love thOm
thOm loves me
together we haev a familee

oh apparently kat finds out about the bb tomorow. hmmmmmmmm. i think the real drama will be whether maxor aby have died and if ronnie will go kill herself for being mentl.kind of like me lol.\ except i didn't take no freakin' bb.

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