Friday 1 April 2011

Fuck my life

In twelve hours time I have to be stepping through those school gates with work to show Miss T. Apart from a tiny bit of art, a rather small piece of business studies and the fact I've done music after school with Tiny Tim for two nights, I have nothing.
I'm kind of tempted to start doing some note taking for History and English now, just to show I've actually done something, but then again, it's dark and I can't be bothered to move.
I'll get round the English past paper problem by saying I switched the timetable around and I was going to do it today after our meeting... I doubt she'll believe that, I know I wouldn't believe that.

After the swift deletion of Facebook a few weeks ago, I have become undoubtedly addicted to Tumblr. Don't get me wrong, there are the undeniable indie, hipster kids who love Ash Stymest, tea, red lipstick, tattoos, charity shopping, Urban Outfitters and messy buns in their hair more than anything in the world... but then there are the lovely people who I share so many common interests with such as Radiohead, Thom, Alison, Christopher Kane, records, Sherlock, Silk, Jeremy Brett and Question Time. I love that whole idea of being more popular on a site like Tumblr than in real life. I don't get what's wrong with that? I only socialise now with people on Tumblr, I don't know why but I seem to be quite lucky in the sense that I never seem to pick out or approach any of the nasty, conceited know-it-alls on that site. Everyone seems to be on the same wavelength, have similar views and have a great deal of intelligence on them.
One rule of these sites to live by is that Facebook makes you hate the people you know, Tumblr makes you love the people you've never even met.
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