Wednesday 16 March 2011

This guy is a genius/best review ever

"Radiohead finally outed themselves as worshippers of Satan. Those sneaky guys. Thought they could get away with it, didn’t they? On first listen, I didn’t notice it either. But then the clues started popping up. And then you put them all together and you see that Radiohead weren’t just warning of a creepy new world where people are like machines and machines are like people. No, they are actually trying to bring it on, and they are seeking some evil help.

The King of Limbs is named after the “Big Belly Oak” in Savernake forest, which is pretty close to the house where they recorded their last album. And thanks to Google, I figured out that, according to legend, you can summon the devil by dancing naked counterclockwise around the tree. And you know what Radiohead went and did? They released the King of Limbs along with the first video:

HE IS DOING A DEVIL DANCE! OH MY GOD! Radiohead is trying to create the robotic dystopia they have been singing about by releasing a devil into the world to eat Christian Americans! See, it is as simple as (1) Devil Tree, plus (2) Devil Dance, equals (3) Radiohead hate your life. Oh, there might be more hidden clues in this album!

Remember, you have to dance counterclockwise to summon the devil. Counterclockwise=playing the album backwards, right? So of course I listened to the album backward, because, hey, I am genuinely scared about the future. I can tell you this: if you get the album, and then reverse the second-to-last song, and then copy the file, and then pitch one copy down two semitones and the other copy up two semitones, and mix the two together and play them on headphones, you will hear a special message. I won’t tell you what it is though because that’s not what me writing this is all about. This is about the music.

I liked the music. And yes, I’m just saying that because I like Radiohead. And no, there is no point in reading any more reviews about Radiohead ever again. You already know what you think of them."

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