Sunday 13 March 2011

There's some things which just can't wait until the morning

Jeremy Brett & Audrey Hepburn in War & Peace (I never actually read it. Or watched it. But for reference I think it's nice).

I find the way he wraps the scarf around his head amusing every time.

I want that hair colour. Now.

So fucking true.

He's become a very smart dresser recently!

Oh, these two..

It's the "Bom bom bom" after he says it which I love even more.

This is perhaps the saddest picture I've ever seen. It must've been taking whilst they were filming the final Sherlock Holmes story "His Last Bow". I know this as Sherlock retires to beekeeping at Fulworth in Sussex, October 1903. (I've already decided Sherlock is going to be my topic on Mastermind should I ever appear on there for whatever absurd reason). It's sad as they never got to finish the filming or producuction of the last stories before Jeremy Brett died. And so therefore we can deduce that this picture must've been taken in the very last few months/weeks/days of Jeremy's life, as he filmed right up until he faced death's door.

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