Tuesday 9 October 2012

I mean could I be any more narcissistic ?

So I saw Radiohead last night. It hasn't even really sunk in and to be honest, it never does, does it? You expect some sort of revelation and contextual depth to burst out as a result of the situation but it never will.
The truth of it is, when I saw them, and even thinking about it since, I don't think about how much it means and what it may mark in terms of the last turbulent couple of yrs... I just picture the perfect movement of thom's body matched with a voice which makes the heavens weep, and jonny's mop mopping across the illuminated stage, Ed's sheek and colin's massive grin every twenty second plus phil's amusement at my enthusiasm. They're just all so relaxed, yet professional. Quality yet not conceited in any way at all. Effortless I suppose you'd say huh

Musically flawless. Enough said.

But thom thom thom


Where does such a little man get all that spontaneity and energy from ? !
I say little
We're matching heights exactly
Perfect huh

But anyway honestly
All I can picture is his little moves. He's so sassy, yet not particularly arrogant. Just fucking fabulous. I want to dance with him forever it would literally be the most perfect thing ever

And yes of course yes
We were front centre (well behind a couple of peeps but they were fwends so)
And the point is that I like to think that me and him shared plenty of conversation through eyes and moves
Because ok right listen
When he looks in your direction he doesn't GLAnCE he STaRES right into your soul, I mean honestly, that is literally the only way to describe it



The point of all of this IS:

Even though it's uncomfortable and hurts, that's what makes it
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