Tuesday 17 April 2012

Bad time is bad

Two people in particular, two very very close friends of mine, not mutual mind..

One of them is off taking over the world and has no time for me anymore which I accept and I'm happy for her because she's amazing and beautiful and deserves it alllllll
The other
Just wow
Way to cut me out and leave me with nothing but oh no instead let's go and hang with tweedle dumb and dumber
I'm ok
How are you
Thanks for asking
Thanks for asking
Seriously I just can't even be bothered anymore
You know when you're in the company of someone and there's shit loads of silence and it's not a comfortable silence it's just really awkward because both people are trying to strike conversation but nothing, absolutely nothing comes to mind because wow holy shit you realise there's nothing to keep you talking anymore
But hey that's life, I'll go that way and you go that way and then I'm sure everything will be fine
This isn't silly playground politics and cliques and bitches
This is separation and growing up and maturity
So for my side of maturity I'm saying
People grow apart and that's fine, that's natural
People like different things and do different things and talk to different people which you may not like and may question
But that's ok too
Because you can't control everyone
So let life be life
carry on as you are, hold your head high and let the course of the universe run wild

Nighty night xoxo
Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

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