Saturday 25 February 2012

ok i've been drinking

but yay i have like a gay best friend on tumblr, he's awesome and i love him because he's jsut so fierce
and speaking of tumblr
it literally breeds pretentiousness and false hope
the problem with society today is that it thinks that by being different it means your special which means your better than everyone else when in reality, people will be judging you and critiscing you on a daily fucking basis. it's your job to man the fuck up and get over it. because i mean seriously? i know i'm going back to my old ways of belittling peoples problems but life insnt a walk in the park. it isn't all fun and games. it isn't easy. it's hard graft and work and difficult and nauesting and you have have have have have to accept it and manuevre your way around it. you can't just bulldoze straight through it with socialist ideas and equality. you. have. to. adjust.
so the fuck what if this makes me a neo conservative and i'm labelled as the maggie thatcher of the 21st century
im only saying what needs to be said
what has to be said
because we can't all be sat on our asses all day moaning about everything
this isn't the 60's
there's a fucking load of shit going on out there
and when i say shit
i mean genocide and trafficking and other stuff
i'm not belittling problems
i just don't want anyone to lose sight that this is life, it is a game, and you have to fucking play the game. not give up like a toddler.

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